En principio, las dinámicas de grupo relacionadas con la literatura pueden sonar a infierno, pero más allá del teatro o roles, hay otras dinámicas que pueden ser entretenidas.
Por ejemplo, a mis estudiantes de inglés, en un intento de que siguieran la lectura y no desconectaran, les preparé este texto con historias de fantasmas, después les pedí que fueran ellos los que pusieran los "efectos especiales".
Con unos grupos funciona mejor que con otros, depende de si es el típico grupo al que todo le parece una puta basura, o si es el típico grupo participativo que todo les apetece.
I´m going to tell you some ghost stories, but I need your help to create the perfect terrifying atmosphere.
You should listen to me while I tell you the story and then when you find some words in brackets...pay attention! You should try to make a sound connected with the words.
e.g.: It was a dark night (hoot owl)
I would read:
-It was a dark night...
And you will say for a few seconds:
-Uh uh uh uh
Ghost Stories (with sound effects)
Today, only small ruins remain (wind blows), but the castle and its ties to the Norman Invasion make it an important part of English history. The castle ruins are still home to a few restless spirits ...(sound of ghost)
At Hastings Castle the sounds of prisoners rattling their chains (sound of chains) and calling out for food (ask for food) have been heard under the castle; the upper areas are haunted by phantom organ music (sound of organ music) . Thomas a Becket, dean of the church college, walks the area (sound of ghost), as does a nun who was caught on film during the 1970s.
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